4 Leadership Rules (Day 2)

Let’s jump into the second leadership principle that successful professionals share.
As a refresher, you can find the first leadership principle here.
Growing up, I never put conscious effort into my health. In my teenage years, all I wanted to do was go skateboarding and eat McDonald’s as often as possible; I didn’t know that we can’t out-exercise a poor diet.
I ate whatever was around the house, or whatever my friends were eating; our family didn’t have the money to be picky with food.
I didn’t feel good, and my attitude was negative towards my life. It made me feel bitter because we were broke.
At one point, I got told if I didn’t do something different with my life, I’ll need to find a new place to live.
Fortunately, it never came to that point.
Years later, I got the lesson that I was missing as a teenager…
I joined the U.S. Army and learned all about the relationship between fitness and success. The Army showed me that leaders get up and exercise while the rest of the world sleeps. Before that, I thought that exercise and wealth had nothing to do with each other.
This connection allowed me to see that success is a game of energy, and nearly all successful people got there by first tending to their health.
Leadership principle #2: Leaders get wealthy when they get healthy.
I recognized that I could lead myself to success by consciously exercising in the morning. However, the secret to exercise is to do what you already enjoy.
What activities do you already love? Do you love basketball? Soccer? Hikes in nature? Walks on the beach? Jogging? Whatever you enjoy, do 30–60 minutes of it every morning.
I planned to take the Army’s structure and workout every morning before my day began.
But I had an issue…
I thought the only way to exercise was to go to the gym or do workout routines. It was tough to keep a morning routine because workouts felt like work.
So, I turned my workouts into things I enjoy. I went to the gym every morning and played basketball.
Making exercise fun allowed me to enjoy fitness and build consistent habits that have brought our family more wealth.
It has meant that our family falls in love with exercising and has more energy to give to each day.
So, what’s the moral / lesson of the story?
I believe that the ultimate wealth is our health and that wealth is nothing at the end of the day without the health to enjoy it. Lead Your Life is our FREE master guide that will show you how to expand your wealth and your health as a leader.
And what is the meaning/takeaway for your life and business?
What we put in is always what we get out. The people you love deserve to have you at your best, mentally, and physically. Use the stillness of the early mornings and Lead Your Life yourself to the next level of life.
Tomorrow I’ll share the third leadership principle… None of these principles will work correctly without it. Talk with you soon!