How To Guarantee Success Everyday With This Big Shift In Morning Habits

Today I’m going to tell you a story about my mornings, how it affects our leadership, and what we can do about it…
There I was, waking up at noon on a Tuesday. Years ago, I used to dread mornings, Tuesday mornings. When I was younger, I went through a cycle where I would stay up until 4 a.m. and wake up at noon.
I didn’t work; I didn’t have my own home, no high school diploma, no car, and no money. However, I had World of Warcraft.
My dream was to be one of the most incredible World of Warcraft players alive. This story has everything to do with your success! World of Warcraft, if you didn’t know, is a massive online multiplayer game.
Most players fell into two camps, casual players and hardcore players. On average, I played 15 hours per day, seven days a week; the game became a job more than a game.
However, I struggled to get the money together every month to pay for the game (It was $14.99). More importantly, I struggled with morning time. As mentioned, Tuesdays were incredibly challenging for me because World of Warcraft would spend half the day updating the game.
Therefore, players couldn’t get into the game until they finished updating it. I had nothing else happening in my life on those days, so it felt like time dragged by slowly.
The combination of no money and doing nothing useful with my time made me feel embarrassed.
This cycle occurred for five years of my life before I said, “enough is enough!” For the first time in five years, I felt determined to do more for myself than play a game for 15 hours. However, once I returned to reality, I realized my life fell apart in those five years; I needed to build my life up from rock bottom.
Luckily, something incredible happened that changed the trajectory of my life…
My mom found out about a free technical college on the west side of the state. I could live there, attend school on-campus, the meals were all included, and I could leave with a degree.
I attended that college and spent two years studying computers under the mentorship of a fantastic instructor. For the first time, I needed to wake up early in the morning and work hard.
The thing about this school is that each student could take one vocational trade, but they either moved to an easier trade or got sent home if they failed it.
As it happens, these computer and networking classes were the most challenging in the school because our instructor was a military veteran that demanded much higher standards than any other instructors; it was what I needed.
As a result of his leadership, I woke up earlier than everyone else, worked harder, and became the go-to student leader for our class.
I planned to carry this momentum forward, graduate, and get a job working for a Fortune 500 tech company.
But I still had a problem…
I still didn’t have a high school diploma, very little money, no car to get to work, and no license to drive.
I solved all of these issues in those two years at college by merely waking up early. I got a high school diploma at the school by waking up earlier than usual and studying the gen ed classes I needed.
By waking up early, I took on a job on the campus and started making more money. The discipline from waking up early is that it helped me develop the discipline to manage my money and purchase a car (before I had a license). Finally, I woke up early, studied, and practiced to get my driver’s license.
All of this helped me get a high-profile IT position at Hewlett-Packard, working closely with the top executives at Royal-Dutch Shell.
It then allowed me to get a place for the first time and set up my life for success. I became a global enterprise leader, which meant I also learned to become a leader of my life.
Still, the most significant achievement was that I built a habit of waking up early.
Choosing to wake up early showed me that we build our wealth and success in the first hour of our morning.
This insight meant I could teach my family the valuable habit of waking up early and setting every day up for success. They became early risers who started getting what they want. It meant they never have to go through the struggles I experienced, and they could become leaders who inspire others.
What I want you to take from this story is that your leadership is directly affected by how you wake up. Hitting the snooze button even once, throws off our entire day. Our success comes from that first decision to wake up or hit snooze. It will affect the people around you, and your success.
Your next step is to subscribe and get my FREE master guide “Lead Your Life.” Imagine how it will feel when you have more freedom to do the things you love. That’s the power of “Lead Your Life.”
I look forward to connecting with you,