The Entrepreneurs TRAP: How to NOT get sucked in.

Understand this leadership lesson, and you’ll understand how to be an extremely successful business owner.
When I started, my first business was e-commerce on eBay, and my goal was to be as cost-effective as possible (cheap).
I wanted to save money because I thought saving money would help my first business be more profitable.
However, the hard part about finding ways to cut corners and save money was that it still cost me; In ways, I didn’t realize. That meant I was trying to do everything myself; I was wearing multiple hats (like many entrepreneurs).
It’s tiring to wear many hats, especially when we’re doing something we’re not good at. I felt frustrated every day, trying to be everything at once.
I also felt protective of my business; I didn’t want to give up control because I thought that things only get done right when I do them.
But then fate stepped in…
I got a massive bill from the federal government for completely messing up the business taxes (maybe I didn’t know everything after all)!
It was the greatest thing that could have happened because I had to hire other people, which enabled me (for the first time) to see the power of paying for help.
After that experience, I committed to looking for “WHO” can get it done, rather than “HOW” I can get it done myself, so everything started getting done at a professional level.
It taught me that we don’t just pay people to do a job for us. We pay for their experience, the mastery of their craft, and for the time that we get to save.
If I pay $495 to hire an experienced freelancer to set up a Google Ads campaign for me, what am I receiving and saving?
I’m receiving a professionally done Google Ad campaign that I can reuse. I’m saving a decade or more of learning Google Ads myself. I’m keeping the extra hours per day that it would cost me to set the campaign up, which allows me to stay in my genius zone and make more money.
I’m also keeping the money I could have lost, setting the campaign up incorrectly (this one would likely cost more than $495), and I’m gaining experience leading people.
But I still had a problem with my eBay business…
I had to figure out how to hire the professionals I needed (to stop losing money) when I didn’t have the money to hire the professionals (because I lost so much money doing everything myself).
To overcome the challenge, I leaped and hired the professionals anyway. Whether I had to work side hustles, sell things in my house, or temporarily get a job, I found the money.
It was scary to start hiring people to replace me, and my mind was screaming at me to STOP and save money. But I didn’t listen, which allowed us to start growing more successful businesses because I began to replace myself (I was the weakest link, but I thought I was the strongest).
Finding “WHO” could solve my problems meant I could now step into a leadership role and create an orchestra, instead of trying to be the conductor that plays every instrument.
In the end, I was able to have more time, fulfillment, and freedom, which benefits my family every day.
I became a person who cherishes teamwork instead of trying to do everything myself (selfishly).
This lesson meant that I became a more decisive leader that was more respected and valued by my team members.
The key takeaway for you is that every entrepreneur needs to be a leader, also. Leaders don’t know everything, they’re not the most talented at everything, and we don’t always know best. However, leaders know how to effectively find the “WHO’s” that can solve problems.
For your life/business, this takeaway means that you will increase your success when you stay in your “genius zone” (what you’re best at) and hire or delegate everything that takes you out of that zone.
Your next step is to get my FREE 5-step program, “Lead Your Life.” Use this simple program to become a leader who makes the orchestra of your life play beautiful music.
Lead Your Life will increase your time freedom, show you how to start growing your business (without needing to be there), and teach you to become an admired leader that attracts success.