The Most Expensive Leadership Mistakes Of An Entrepreneurs Life

Let me tell you a quick story about a time when I felt challenged with a HUGE project… and what you can learn from it.
I was a mortgage loan originator at Quicken Loans trying to serve people. I really wanted to reach #1 in sales for the Detroit office so I wouldn’t have to keep living in my mom’s trailer.
I wanted to be able to retire my whole family and earn more money than than anyone in my family had ever seen.
At the time I was working 12–15 hours everyday (not including commute time). That meant I wasn’t able to retire my whole family, let alone earn more money than than anyone in my family had ever seen.
To make things worse, I felt terrible because I got home just in time to sleep and do it again the next day. I felt terrible about the situation because I was putting work before my health. I felt like I was leading my life to a dead end.
The problem was that one busy day I got overwhelmed with calls, emails, voicemails, and visits from angry people. I was still new, and all alone (the office was a ghost town). Which meant I suddenly felt like the world was crashing down around me.
I had a fever and thought the stress would finish me right there., which made me want to curl up and quit. I felt like I had failed the company and customers.
That is, until something happened I’ll never forget…
That’s when I felt a hand on my shoulder. My director came by my side and told me all about his first few days, doing his best, figuring things out, and being a leader who creates more leaders!
It was now crystal clear to me how to start creating leadership movements in business, because I saw I can empower people (regardless of their position) to take charge and create more leaders in their business.
I also learned that leaders aren’t born, you need to create them instead.
As a result I committed to creating leadership movements.
After I did that, I started finding my voice and my strength.
Suddenly, I was planting the seed of leadership movements in others.
That’s when I realized that the secret to serve people was to help them create movements in their life.
My plan was to start writing a leadership book that elevates humanity.
So I started pouring my soul into it. But we didn’t stop there.
We then created a whole leadership suite that gives you the power to create movements in your life.
After that, we cut out everything except the information that gets fast results.
But there was still a problem…
People were still hurting themselves by practicing cheap leadership tactics that just don’t work.
We ended up getting so frustrated that we decided to put together a powerful course that gets results in less than 60 minutes.
It’s called “The Choose to Lead System”.
We thought if we could create something that would make it possible to trade 50 minutes for a leadership system that gives you unbeatable advantages, we’d feel fulfilled.
After 8 years and thousands of dollars in mistakes (not to mention emotional pain), we created The Choose to Lead System.
I can now guide you to create leadership movements in your organization in less than 60 minutes.
As a result, we were proud to achieve the following:
Within 50 minutes, entrepreneurs teach their team how to create leadership movements & develop unbeatable competitive advantages in their business (think of movements like Tesla and Apple).
After creating The Choose to Lead System, I was not only able to teach anybody to create a leadership movement, I’ve also been able to stop feeling overwhelmed, because we can now quickly develop leadership movements that make teams stronger and more successful.
At the end of the day, all of this means I’m now able to wake up everyday with fulfillment because I’m elevating people to be their best-self.